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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I post affiliate links?

Yes, you can include affiliate codes in your links to collect revenue.

How much does it cost to use this site?

This site is free to use with no ads.

How can I promote a course on this site?

Sign up or log in to post a course.

What kinds of courses are posted?

All types of online courses in varying fields are promoted on this site.

For how long will my course be posted?

Your course will be posted on the site indefinitely until the page limit is reached.

When will my course be posted?

You course is posted as soon as you publish it.

What language can the courses be in?

The courses can be in any language.

Can I promote courses on my own site?

Yes, you can promote courses hosted anywhere on the Internet.

Can I promote any course?

Yes, you can promote any course link.

Can I share the coupon codes?

Yes, you can share the links from this site.

Are these real coupons?

Yes, the coupons are real, created and approved by the course instructors and creators themselves.

Are these legitimate courses?

Yes, the courses are on legitimate, widely popular eLearning platforms.

Can I promote illegitimate courses?

No. You can only promote legitimate courses on a platform where the original creator posted them. We do not accept any illegitimate platforms to be promoted on this site. eLearningCoupons is an instructor-approved, pro-creator website.

When will my course be posted?

You course is posted as soon as you publish it.